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new language, same blog (Top 30 of nationalities)

I’m very delighted about all my visitors. The majority of all nationality is represented here and my Twitter fellowship is growing massiv. That’s the sense why I’ll write my articles mostly in english (when it makes sense). Hoping that my english comes better with practice! 🙂

Here is a Top30 of all nationalities of my blog’s visitors:

  1. Germany
  2. Netherlands
  3. Austria
  4. United States
  5. Switzerland
  6. Brazil
  7. Russia
  8. Poland
  9. Italy
  10. Denmark
  11. Canada
  12. Portugal
  13. Belgium
  14. Czech Republic
  15. France
  16. United Kingdom
  17. Sweden
  18. Argentina
  19. Chile
  20. Dominivan Republic
  21. Spain
  22. Finland
  23. India
  24. Morocco
  25. Malaysia
  26. Nepal
  27. Tunisia
  28. Turkey
  29. South Africa