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Masuria, Mazury, Mazuren (my roots)

Masuria is the land of my ancestors. It’s the land of dark forests and more than thousand lakes. Unspoiled countryside, very beathable air, cheerful people, hospitality and completly calm stands for Masuria. Absolutly, Masuria is particularly suitable to take a very relaxing vacation.

Formaly, Masuria was a part of East Prussia and according to that part of Germany. Only just in 1990 and after East Prussia was according to international law a part of Poland. You can find Masuria (East Prussia) in northeasternmost corner of Poland.

I’ve found this great video from Joan Vedrell, that picks a small piece of Masuria.
Masurian Lakes, Poland from Joan Vendrell on Vimeo.

Update 07.08.2014: Even the German television channel ZDF was there last weekend and here is the great TV report.

Dieser Beitrag wurde erstellt am 27. Juli 2014 von Christian Schwarz (chriz)

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